12 2024

Brain Segmentation, Computation, and Fabrication

Independent Research Project

Research Advisors: Yiqing Wang

Collaborators: Manru (Mary) Zhang, Kexin (Cassie) Li


This dataset examines MRI data, language proficiency, and demographics of early bilinguals, late bilinguals, and monolinguals to explore these variables. In our project, we attempt to segment each participant’s brain MRI to narrow onto the sagittal plane of the brain and focus on the left cerebral cortex which is strongly correlated with language.This project draws on the relationship between mechanical processes and human visual cognition. By examining how gaze patterns reflect design intentions within a space, it seeks to explore the dynamic between perception, sub-conscious decision-making, and physical representation. The foundation of the project lies in the idea that the brain's control over eye movements not only guides observation but also reveals underlying cognitive and spatial intentions.

Brain Segmentation

All MRI data accessed from open source dataset: https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds001747/versions/1.1.0;

Segmentation done through MATLAB

Contours made through Computation

Final Contours

Solid Surfaces

3D Prints Per Group


Entwined Paths